FogBugz 7.0 Online Help

Settings: Database


When running FogBugz on your own server, this setting determines which database FogBugz will connect to.

For an Access (Jet) database, select the Access tab and enter the full path to an Access (.MDB) database file.

For a SQL Server database, simply enter the name of the SQL Server and the name of the FogBugz database on that server.

For any other type of database (such as MySQL), enter an ODBC connection string. The useful web site contains detailed information on how to construct an ODBC connection string for any database.

Extra Fields

FogBugz has two fields, Version and Computer, used to keep track of the version of your software where a particular bug was found, and the computer or computer configuration on which it was found. These fields will not necessarily make sense for every development team, so the fields can be turned off to reduce clutter, or re-named as something else if there is something else which you need to track. You can then include these fields (whatever name you give them) in your filters. Note that for searches, you can refer to these fields either by the names you give them, or the original "Version" and "Computer"

These two fields accept text input. You can also add as many custom fields as you need of various types (e.g. drop-down menu, number or date) by installing the Custom Fields plugin.

* This option is not available for FogBugz On Demand.