FogBugz 7.0 Online Help

Settings: Mail

Mail Queue Information

Shows the number of messages waiting in the FogBugz outgoing email queue. These messages will be sent by the FogBugz Maintenance Service. If messages are piling up there and you are running FogBugz on your own server, go to the Advanced tab and run the diagnostics. If you are using hosted FogBugz On Demand, contact Fog Creek Support

SMTP Server*

Determines the server FogBugz will use to send outgoing email. In general, you should use your company mail server (for example, Microsoft Exchange Server, Sendmail, Postfix, qmail, Ipswitch IMail, etc.) If you do not have one yet or your company mail server is not working:

On Windows: IIS has a simple SMTP mail server built in
On Unix: Postfix, Sendmail, and qmail are available free of charge.
On Mac OS X: Follow these instructions to install Postfix.

SMTP Port*

Usually 25.


Use SSL to secure SMTP traffic. This option requires that your server supports "Explicit SSL" (meaning the connection is opened in plaintext and is then switched to SSL mode) If your server does not support this and you need to use SSL, install stunnel on the FogBugz server.

SMTP User and Password*

Optional; use if your SMTP server requires a username and password. Warning: These are stored in clear text in the FogBugz database and transmitted in clear text across the network; see Security Best Practices, below.

Notification Return Address

When FogBugz sends notification email, this is the email address it appears to come from. Generally you don't want users replying via email; they should be replying in FogBugz so a record is kept. Set this value to either a fake email address that bounces, or to the email address of a FogBugz Mailbox so replies are appended to the original case.

Notification Link URL*

When FogBugz sends automatic notification emails and escalation reports, it includes a link back to your FogBugz site. This URL is used for that link. Most users will want to leave this as their default FogBugz URL

Case Prefix

If you have clients or vendors who also use FogBugz, you can have FogBugz prefix your case numbers in email subjects to avoid having meesages associated with the wrong case. For example, at Fog Creek Software, our case numbers begin with FC. You could use any letters you like that you think will be unique.

Security Best Practices

If you are running FogBugz on your own server and use it to send mail, we recommend the following tips for security. These do not apply to FogBugz On Demand accounts.

  1. Create a user account and password on your SMTP server that will only be used by FogBugz for sending email, so that if the account and password are revealed, they cannot be used for anything other than sending email.
  2. Configure your SMTP server so that it does not relay email without logging in.
  3. If possible, configure your SMTP server so that it only relays email from known IP addresses inside your network, including the FogBugz server itself. This will make it impossible for spammers to use your SMTP server to forward spam.
  4. Either use an SMTP server which is located on your internal network, protected by a firewall, or create a secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) between your internal network and the SMTP server.
  5. If you cannot secure the connection between your FogBugz server and the SMTP server, use SSL to create a secure, encrypted channel (see SMTP SSL above).

* These options are not available for FogBugz On Demand, which uses Fog Creek's SMTP server for outgoing mail.